Friday, August 21, 2009

Health care reform

All this hub bub about health care reform and I haven't heard a peep about reforming one of the biggest underlying causes of our health care mess. Tort Reform. Lawyers make money suing people and companies and doctors and insurance companies and hospitals and any body else they can throw into the mix. They don't care if they win or lose - it doesn't matter. They make money either way. Rarely does any one challege a suit because the lawyers always structure their suits so it is cheaper to settle than to fight. I have a legislation proposal that would quickly a effectively solve this issue. Now the hard part-getting our elected officials to read the proposed legislation. I've got the solution to that too. It won't take long to read and is concise enough that a two year old can understand it. Are you ready for this? I'm going to type out the entire draft proposal and as you can propably tell, I'm a lousy typist. Here goes. LOSER PAYS. Think about it and leave a comment as to what you think. Hospitals are going broke charging $100.00 for an aspirin, doctors are quitting because they can't make any money (compared to 10 or twenty years ago), insurance companies are pulling out of non profitable markets. Seems like that only leaves one component of the equation- the lawyers. So long for now.

1 comment:

  1. I love your view on things, so tell us...what is your opinion on the IRS?
