Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Yahoo news headline- Freshman Democratic senators and representatives torn between party lines and the voices of their constituents. Wow, is that newsworthy. Historically, newbies tend to still have some convictions about why they are polititions and try to read legislation proposals and make decisions based on several factors presented to them. It takes them awhile to realize that they are there to conform to the party platform and abosrb as much power and clout as they can with as little effort as possible. The notion that they are pressured into voting party lines despite majority constituent opposition will fade with time. It is now time to balance keeping all the senior politicos appeased while still being able to get re-elected. That's hard work. I have an idea. Let's change the whole system.

Here is my suggestion:

Fire all the polititions
Dedicate TV stations and internet related web sites to governmental matters
Let the citizens cast their vote on their remote.
Everyone knows how to vote on their remote ( just look at American Idol).
They know how to count votes
Majotrity wins

But wait- the very common man (me) doesn't know the complexities of governing
and doesn't really know what's best for him.
To answer that I will refer to an earlier post that I mentioned John Conyers saying that he doesn't read the health care reform bill because it is to long and complicated. The article that info came from indicated that a very small percentage of the legislation that comes before our elected officials is actually ever read. So in conclusion, we may not know the intricacies and complexities of government but it doesn't sound to me like our officials do either. I rest my case

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