Sunday, August 16, 2009

Ramblings of a very common man

Today I want to convey some thoughts and obsevations from the perspective of a very common man (me). I don't claim to understand the the inner workings of mega business but I'd like to comment on the Government Motors (f.k.a. General Motors) situation. Again, bear in mind I only involve myself to the extent of what I hear on the news and read on Yahoo but here is the twist I get on the situation. Last year GM sought help from the federal government to the tune of 15 to 20 billion dollars to stave off certain failure. According to the government failure was not an option because our auto mega business had become to big to fail and the ripple effect would be too devastating for our society to bear. Well, GM burned through that money in record time and still ended up filing bankruptcy. Despite objections from some sustantial private bond holders the bankruptcy plan was approved and implemented in record time and the new and improved Government Motors emerged lean and mean. So, private investors got the shaft, organized labor made token concessions and the government gets a 55% stake in the company. Next shows up a cash for clunkers stimulus program that was funded with a mere 3 billion dollars and all of a sudden production can't keep up with demand. I suppose if someone pardoned me for all my indebtedness and obligations, gave me a clean slate, a 15 billion dollar credit line and then gave the general public a raging incentive to by my product I'd probably be in pretty good shape too. Somehow I think this goes against some fundamental aspects of true capitolism. And by the way, as a taxpaying citizen of the majority stock holding entity of GM am I entitled to any dividend or return on my investment? I didn't think so. As a very common man I have been led to believe that I don't have an informed enough opinion of the universe to know what is best for me and my family so my government is making these decisions against what I consider to be good judgement but alas cooler and smarter heads will prevail and all will be well.....I hope. Enough of all this sacasm- lrt's have a thought for the day.

Subject: New from Government Motors Corp-I'm getting one of these and you should also!

Thought for the day.
When we were pregnant I had enough people who had children tell me that "You will never know love until you hold your baby in your hands. I felt like if I heard that one more time I was going to get sick right on the floor. Well, they were certainly right and now I'm a preacher of that wisdom like no other, which brings me to my thought of the day. My parents both passed away before Katherine was born and I never had the opportunity to share my family with them but it gave me an insight I would like to share. Contemplate and understand the love you have for your child, then know that your parents have that same love for you. Your appreciation and love for your parents will grow ten fold.

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